Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Poetry Terms

Sound Devices

Rhyme: Using the same vowel and consonant sound at the end of two words.
Repetition: Using the same word or phrase more than once.
Alliteration: Using the same consonant at the beginning of words


Symbol: An object, person, or idea that stands for something beyond itself.
Imagery: Words and phrases that appeal to the five senses
Figurative Language: Writing or speech that is not meant to be taken literally.
     - Metaphor: A comparison of two things with using the words like or as
     - Simile: A Comparison of two things using the words like or as.

Forms of Poetry

Narrative: A narrative poem tells a story.
Lyrical: A lyrical poem expresses personal feelings and thought.
Ballad: A Ballad Poem has a musical quality in which tells a story that happened throughout history. It has a serious tone to it.

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