Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Historical Context

  1. The Weimar republic was the democratic government in Germany that was established before Hitler came to power.
  2. World War I began in 1914 and ended in 1918  with the Treaty of Versailles.
  3. Germany was forced to sign the Treaty of Versailles in which made Germans admit defeat, give up some of their land, and pay the Victors of World War I.
  4. After Germany's lost, the nation went through an economic depression, they desperately needed a leader
  5. In which gave the opportunity for Hitler to come to power in 1933.
  6. The Holocaust started with the ideology created by Hitler that blamed the jews for why Germany lost world war I and Germany's economic problems.
  7. The main target of the holocaust were Jews. Others  included gypsies, homosexuals, Poles, Slavs, Communists, Socialists, the disabled, and other political rivals.
  8.  To completely humilate and isolate jews from everyday life the Nazi created ghettos. These Ghettos were sections of a city that were locked in by walls, fences, or barbed wires.
  9. After, Jews were shipped to Concentration Camps. This was part of Hitler's final solution.
  10. Some Concentration camps were labor camps and others were death ones.
  11. They starved jews and gave them only one pair of clothes
  12. Babies were burned in Crematorium along with others Jews who the Nazi thought were unnecessary.

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