Tuesday, March 22, 2011


 The Treaty of Versailles was signed by Germany in which stated that they admitted their defeat.
 This picture represents the entrance of the concentration camp named Auschwitz. the sign is written in German but it says "work makes one free,"
 Hitler was the leader of the Nazi association. He was in power during the Holocaust.
 Jews were to dig ditches and surround them while S.S. Soldiers shot them down the ditch.
Occupants of the Warsaw ghetto being forced out during the final liquidation by the SS.
 This is a picture of the gas chamber at Auschwitz. a concentration camp in Poland.
 These were the crematoriums in which the Jews were burned including newborns and the elderly.
 Jews wore one pair of clothing, in which had a number wriiten on to know who was who.
 Jews were forced to wear stars on their clothing in order to easily identify them by the Nazis
This were the Barracks in which he Jews slept in the Concentration Camps.

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