Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Poetry Terms

Sound Devices

Rhyme: Using the same vowel and consonant sound at the end of two words.
Repetition: Using the same word or phrase more than once.
Alliteration: Using the same consonant at the beginning of words


Symbol: An object, person, or idea that stands for something beyond itself.
Imagery: Words and phrases that appeal to the five senses
Figurative Language: Writing or speech that is not meant to be taken literally.
     - Metaphor: A comparison of two things with using the words like or as
     - Simile: A Comparison of two things using the words like or as.

Forms of Poetry

Narrative: A narrative poem tells a story.
Lyrical: A lyrical poem expresses personal feelings and thought.
Ballad: A Ballad Poem has a musical quality in which tells a story that happened throughout history. It has a serious tone to it.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Ballad Poem

U.S. History - Slavery

They have taken me from my home land
To work on the plantation of a white man
I work in the fields from day to night

From morning dawn to twilight
But I wish I can dissapear and take flight
I'm forced to tolerate their beatings

Its harsh how us, their defeating
I see how they treat the others
I've seen how they killed my brothers

I've seen friends die before my eyes
I have heard their whimpers and aganozing cries
As a slave. I am seen as property

Even if I work hard I can't get out of this proverty
So now I just wait for someone to come to my rescue
I have lost hope and thats my story that I tell you

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Narrative Poem

My First Time At Six Flags
We had arrived at midday
It was cold and the sun was beginning to set
And there it awaited the theme park I so badly wanted to go
Which instead of being a friend ended up a foe

Eleven years of age I was
Never will I forget this memory I came upon
The remembrance of all the fear it caused
Just because this ride I got on

Out of all the people that came with me in this retreat
My best friend was the one that experience this right next to me
At first I was the one that was brave
But acting so brave was surely a mistake

When I sat down in the cart I was very inpatient
I wanted it to end and get over it once and for all
But I didn’t know the impact would be very strong
I didn’t know it will feel like getting smashed into a wall

Adrenalin pumped through my veins
And fear crossed my mind
At my side, was my partner
Who taught it was her time to die

When we reached the 255 ft peak
The cart stopped for a moment
Then with all its might it went down
With force that took control of my body motion

Through the rest of the ride unconscious I was
My body was uncontrollable flopping like a raged doll
When it ended I didn’t have a balance
My feet didn’t want to move at all

I got traumatized and made a promise
I would never come again to a Six Flags theme park
But over the years passed
It was just another thoughtless remark

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


 The Treaty of Versailles was signed by Germany in which stated that they admitted their defeat.
 This picture represents the entrance of the concentration camp named Auschwitz. the sign is written in German but it says "work makes one free,"
 Hitler was the leader of the Nazi association. He was in power during the Holocaust.
 Jews were to dig ditches and surround them while S.S. Soldiers shot them down the ditch.
Occupants of the Warsaw ghetto being forced out during the final liquidation by the SS.
 This is a picture of the gas chamber at Auschwitz. a concentration camp in Poland.
 These were the crematoriums in which the Jews were burned including newborns and the elderly.
 Jews wore one pair of clothing, in which had a number wriiten on to know who was who.
 Jews were forced to wear stars on their clothing in order to easily identify them by the Nazis
This were the Barracks in which he Jews slept in the Concentration Camps.

Historical Context

  1. The Weimar republic was the democratic government in Germany that was established before Hitler came to power.
  2. World War I began in 1914 and ended in 1918  with the Treaty of Versailles.
  3. Germany was forced to sign the Treaty of Versailles in which made Germans admit defeat, give up some of their land, and pay the Victors of World War I.
  4. After Germany's lost, the nation went through an economic depression, they desperately needed a leader
  5. In which gave the opportunity for Hitler to come to power in 1933.
  6. The Holocaust started with the ideology created by Hitler that blamed the jews for why Germany lost world war I and Germany's economic problems.
  7. The main target of the holocaust were Jews. Others  included gypsies, homosexuals, Poles, Slavs, Communists, Socialists, the disabled, and other political rivals.
  8.  To completely humilate and isolate jews from everyday life the Nazi created ghettos. These Ghettos were sections of a city that were locked in by walls, fences, or barbed wires.
  9. After, Jews were shipped to Concentration Camps. This was part of Hitler's final solution.
  10. Some Concentration camps were labor camps and others were death ones.
  11. They starved jews and gave them only one pair of clothes
  12. Babies were burned in Crematorium along with others Jews who the Nazi thought were unnecessary.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Anne Frank - Stage Adaptation

Anne Frank's Stage Adaptation took place in Amsterdam, Holland. It begins in 1945, at the end of the holocaust. Mr. Frank finds his daughter’s diary. The diary written by Anne Frank reveals that her family along with the Vann Daans has gone into hiding with the help of a family friend called Miep and her boyfriend Mr. Kraler. They hid in the attic of an abandoned warehouse.  They are told to keep quiet so there would be no suspicions, and they were to avoid using the bathroom.     After a few months passed Mr. Kraler ask if Dussel, a dentist, can hide with the Franks and Vann Daans. Mr. Vann Daan and the others were irritated by this idea because of food shortage, but at the end he ends up staying and becomes Anne’s Roommate. Margot, her older sister, was her old roommate but her mom thought it was more appropriate if Anne was Dussel’s roommate because of her age. Letters were used to trick the Germans into believing they lived elsewhere. As months passed Anne and Dussel don’t get along, because Dussel thinks Anne is immature for her age, and Anne and Peter, Mr. and Ms. Van Daan’s son, learn through the books that Miep Brings them every once  and then. During Hanukah despite the uncertainty Anne and her dad give gifts to everyone. While they were celebrating Peter fell of a chair making a loud noise, which seemed to set things in motion downstairs. Everyone thought the green police discovered them, but it happened to be a thief who stole the cash box and a radio.
After 2 years have passed (1994) everyone is becoming thinner, Mouchi, Peter’s cat has gone missing, and Mr. Kraler is being Blackmail by a store clerk. The store clerk is suspicious someone’s hiding in the attic making everyone worried. As Anne and Peter grow closer they develop feelings for each other and have dates. Mrs. Frank and Vann Daan don’t like Anne and Peter’s bedroom meetings, because they close the door for hours. Although, they just talking to get to know each other better as friends. Later, Ms. Frank finds out Mr. Vann Daan is stealing food instead of the rats, and everyone is starving because of it. Mrs. Frank is furious at him and wants him to leave along with his wife. In that same moment Miep comes and informs them about the invasion by allied forces on the beaches of Norway. They all get happy and forgive each other for their wrong doings. However, a few months later The Gestapo have found the radio and traced it back to them. Soon later the Nazi found them in the house and took them concentration camps. The play finishes back in 1945. Mr. Frank, Miep, and Mr. Kraler are the only survivors. If the franks could’ve hid in the attic for a little bit longer the U.S. Troops would’ve gotten to them before the Gestapo.