Monday, April 18, 2011

And the Story Continues...

Jamie had just told me she was dyeing of leukemia. I just kept thinking why her? Why not some other person? She was good. She did everything she was supposed to? She had a great future planned out for her. I didn’t want her to die. I just realized I loved her, and now I was going to lose her. I prayed every night to God to do a miracle, to make something happen. Didn’t he do other stuff like make the blind see and the handicapped walk? Why couldn’t he cure Jamie.
I would see her grow weaker every day. She was in pain and I couldn’t do anything about it. I wish it were me suffering. She didn’t deserve this. If she took higher doses of medicine she will faint, but if they lowered it, the pain will come back. The doctors had estimated that she had only two weeks to live. Two Weeks. She had told me she was scared too death, but she never showed her fear. Man I tell you, this girl had a whole lot of faith. I wished I had faith like hers, I admire her for that. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me.
Before she’d pass away, I had this insane idea. I knew everybody would think I’m crazy but I had to do it. I had to marry Jamie. She was the love of my life, and plus I wanted to make her wish come true. She had told me once that her wish was to marry in a church full of people, and for her dad to walk her down the aisle. I told my mom about my plan, luckily she went along with it. After I told my mom I decided to ask Hegbert for Jamie’s hand in Marriage, of course he refused, but for the first time I told him how I felt about Jamie. How much I loved her and what she means to me. At last he understood, and agreed for me to marry his daughter.
I asked Jamie if she could do me a favor. She told me that she didn’t know if she was strong enough to do anything for me anymore. I felt nervous at what I was about to ask her but I still said. “Will you marry me”? She took a long time to answer, but finally said yes. We married at the church and her wish came true. I was happy that she was happy. But I kept worrying about her. She now only had three days to live. I spent everyday with her. I knew I was being greedy and stuff, but I didn’t want to let her out of my sight. I occasionally left the room to leave her dad, Hegbert, and her alone. But I still felt uncomfortable. I felt the urge of being right next to her.
Two days had passed and this was the final day that the doctors had estimated her time to die. I didn’t want to say goodbye. I wasn’t ready for that. I didn’t want to believe that my days with her were over. Every day she kept getting worse. She was pale and very thin but looked beautiful like always. When I held her in my arms she was very light weight. I wanted her to be safe. I still remember this day clearly for my age now. She was sitting on the rocker chair that next to the piano taking a nap. I was sitting in the floor knelt besides her watching her sleep. Her breaths were uneven, and heavier than normal. Then I’d realized it was time for her to eat.
I went to the kitchen and grabbed her food and set it on the table that was next to the rocking chair. I gently tried to wake her, but she wouldn’t respond. Hegbert wasn’t home. He was at the church planning for tomorrow’s service. I was now panicking her breath had stopped and she had no pulse. She couldn’t die. Not now. I prayed and prayed as tears went down my cheeks. I asked for a miracle to happen. It was the worst 13 minutes of my life when I suddenly felt her pulse again. She was alive. My Jamie was alive. I carried her and quickly took her to my car. I turned on the engine, and raced through the streets to get to the hospital. She was unconscious but alive.
When I arrived at the hospital I demanded for a doctor. Fortunately, there was a doctor rite then. I gently put her in a near by gurney, and let the doctor and other nurses take her. I sat in the waiting room knowing that I must have faith. I waited patiently till finally the doctor came out and told me the news. He said, “A miracle it must be. A miracle.” I told him to explain, and he said, “Your Wife, Jamie, doesn’t have leukemia. It’s very strange, and it’s the first time I’ve seen the law of science proven wrong. She has just woken up from her unconsciousness, but she’s still weak.” Immediately I said “I need to see her right now. I must.” The doctor led me into the room and there she was, beautiful as ever. 
            I walked in and went to her side. First I kissed her hand, then her forehand, and lastly her lips. She began to say, “I thought I was suppose to die...” but I cut her off and said, “Jamie, doctors can say one thing, but God can say another.” She smiled and that’s when I realized that God had answered my prayers.
            I told Hegbert what had happened, and surprisingly he didn’t throw a fit when I told him I took his daughter without his permission. He came as soon as I told him by the hospitals phone. I also called my mom and told her. She came to and was happy to hear that Jamie was now safe. Days passed and Hegbert and my mom kept coming in and out of the hospital to visit Jamie.  I stayed with her since the day they brought her in. I couldn’t leave her by herself. After 5 days they let her go. I brought her home and I noticed the color was returning to her face.
            She was eating healthy now, and she also was gaining weight. I thanked God for what he had done. I could never repay him for what he did. Time kept passing by and Jamie and I went to Vanderbilt University together. We both studied for medical degrees and of course, Jamie was smarter than me. We graduated with our bachelor’s degree in medicine.
            As the years passed, Jamie and I had two children, a girl and a boy. Their names were Mason and Charlotte Carter. Now Mason is 25 and Charlotte is 21. I’m now 57 and still living happily married to my wife, Jamie. She has taught me so many things. She has taught me how to forgive and how to have faith. I love her with all my heart and I want to die in her arms of old age. She is the other half of my heart, one that I hope to not lose ever again.

Word Count: 1,223

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